nice to know i'm still breathing aite??hee~
sorry for not updating as much..not that i'm that busy but now i am..just that whenever i had the urge to blog is when i am in 'bulatan gembira' or daurah..the idea keep flowing in..when i went back home..i feel like meh~ i've got better things to do..
tp rasa sedih la bcoz the idea i want to share just kept locked inside my head..sorry guys..
this months no..this semester i'm in 3rd year of the 1st semester...
and yeah it's like living underwater..i can't even stop the pace to catch a get what i mean?haha...colloqium(read:test) one after another..but i can't complain can i?since i do wanna be a doctor now..knowing i have to work hard to be a good and knowledgeable one..(not that i choose to be one on the first place)
you wanna know why i love december?bcoz its the end of the year..and end of the semester (well almost) the thought of my winter holiday trip when this zombie-weeks end..can't wait..
there is some good news i've heard so far and some are bad news over the semester..why don't i just skip the good one since i don't remember la kn..
recently i just found out my grandfather just died..sakit tua org kata..omg susah nya nk cari ayat dlm bi so convert la ke bm plak..mueheheh...
yelah sape nk dgr berita cmtu when you are not in malaysia kn..quote from my fren he said he don't want some relatives to die when he's not in malaysia. i have the same feeling as him..
tp kita kena la ingt kn..dunia ni tmpt persinggahan, pentas kehidupan, permainan, akhirat tu lagi penting and for eternity..
Allah berfirman : "Yang telah menciptakan kematian dan kehidupan untuk menguji kalian siapa di antara kalian yg paling baik amalnya.Dan Allah Maha Agung Lagi Maha Pengampun" (Q.S.Al-Mulk:2)
ok dah la kn..xda idea dah...
see you soon Eiffel tower
eiffel i'm in love with Allah hehe