Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May sudaa~

sudah lame xsinggah, kini kembali
as usual akhir bulan je mesti exam sekaligus..
so sgt exhausted..
Alhamdulillah that week pass peacefully and without any hutang2..

so last week on 1st mAy
i went to go cycling and rollerblading with ma gurlfen yaw~
also cruising along moscow river,
it was so damn cold >,<
note to self dont go on a cruise during spring/or musim peralihan

today plak,
start off with a normal routine..
then i had planned to go to Ashan to do some groceries shopping since we all out of food stock,
i went alone,
then the expected things i have to buy was not so much but a lil bit heavy but i can manage,
the unexpected was,
plastik ashan for 7kg tu koyak,
i bought 2 and dua2 koyak,
i was embarrased and
1st koyak mse nk angkt dr troley?(cmne eja...hentam laa)
i wanted to cry that time but then what do i get if i cry?
so i transfer some to another plastic bag and when i reach the bus stop the other one plak koyak..
and i was like...Fuuuu~~~
so there,
pengalaman mematang kn kita..
wahahah~xda kaitan..
saja ngarut

1 comment:

  1. haha tak tergolek ke ayam-ayam tu sumaa? Tapi kan kan, gila kentang pergi Ashan beli lauk pauk sengsorang.

    anyway hapdet jugak, ingatkan byebye means byebye.
