Wednesday, April 6, 2011

which one?

you have 2 months to live
you have advance cardiomyopathy
that needed immediate operation
you are 7 months pregnant

which one will you choose?
your life?
or the baby's life??
but the operation will endanger the baby's life...

haaaaa~~...tu dia
terpengaruh dgn cerita Iryu (Team Medical Dragon)
cite ni best...mantap gila~!!!
pasal sorg surgeon kacak nih..
da hero mesti la dia akan hebat..
sume operation success...
cerita ni ada gak la sedikit info2 berkaitan medic2 nih..
tp bg yg nk wat surgery/ berkaitan jantung2 la byk
yg lain ada gak kot..
kwn2 tgk lah yer...

Kenji Sakaguchi as Asada Ryutaro

rupanya cite ni dari manga(komik)...

1 comment:

  1. best giler kan cte nih!
    ak tengok dari season 1. sometimes ak rse its better than grey's anatomy etc.
