Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cakap kosong

"ko suka berangan?"
"tak..ape yg best sgt berangan tuh"
"kita boleh dapat semua yg kita nak kalo berangan, sbb tu best!"

once i too like to berangan
tp bila sedar berangan hanyalah angan2
i stop dreaming
it is just wishful thinking,
bunyi mcm depress je..haha
baru2 ni je i had a dream

1- to win an ipad
beriye la imagine what i can do with it..
semangat setiap hari main game utk contest Milo tuh...
n i'm very optimist that i would win
but my frens said "jgn nk mimpi la ko menang"
then later they change "sure la ko menang sbb byk gila entry ko"
yeah i submitted >200 entries :P
n guess what i did won...
due to some reason i had to forfeit..
see...dream do come true sometimes..hohoho..
i was kinda depress for a few days..huhuhu..
but then again iPad is just a "thing"
why shud i cry over it?
i shud have a bigger dream

"aku melihat hidup di bwh bygn al-Quran dan di sana aku melihat jahiliyah berkecamuk di muka bumi ini dan aku melihat minat dan cita2 pnddk dunia ini amat kecil dan kerdil..." -Tafsir Fi Zilalil Quran

"maka janganlah harta dan anak2 mereka membuatmu kagum,sesungguhnya maksud Allah dgn itu adalah utk menyeksa mereka dlm kehidupan dunia dan kelak akan mati dlm keadaan kafir" - 9:55

akhirat is my goal..why dream such a childish dream

2- the day i found out about that i won i also found out that my all time fav band is doing their concert here in Moscow
i've been dreaming of them coming here...
dreaming that i would be taking photos together with brendon urie...
and showing/gloating to ika..
and finally they will be coming to moscow..
and i was the happiest girl in the world..
it feels like finally you get to see ur crush- LIVE!
but then again i was thinking..
maghrib kul 9...isyak 10?
same as it is last year...
the concert is at 10 o'clock..
then again what time will it end??
i'm a girl in moscow..
how shud i get back??
i thot maybe i dont have to go afterall..
Brendon Urie je kot..pftt..
xpe la..ape best sgt syok kt dia..
better syok kt Rasulullah saw lg syaa~(spare me i dunno the meaning of this word but it is same as being high..haha guess so)

"I will try to follow your way
And do my best to live my life
As you taught me
I pray to be close to youOn that day and see you smile
When you see me
Sallu ‘ala Rasulillah, Habibil Mustafa
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One"

i always dream a realistic dream so that someday it will come true..
like having a homey house living in there with beloved hubby..
a mini cooper parked in the porch..together with his kelisa
raising our adorable lil khalifah
hahaha >,< dream will only be dream ...........


  1. hahahahhaah~
    yeah,a dream could just be a dream~
    but,smetimes it happens rite!
    u won Ipad!!
    chill la dude..
    everything happen 4 a reason~
    misi kita besa n jauh lagi..
    insya Allah~
    everything will be just fine~
    keep on dreaming~as that will makes u live ur life happily~

  2. Dreaming is healthy as long as its not against our religion. Dreaming is normal as it keeps people motivated, to move forward to achieve it - do smth about it, jgn dream shj without putting any effort to realising it! If you dont dream, you dont have a goal in life... So go ahead, dream- and dream big!

  3. ahla,ko pun baca tafsir fi zilal quran? best kann?
    never kill your dreams but dreams can kill you..
    benda yg jahiliah mmg sronok, mujahadah itu pahit tapinya syurga itu manis..=)

  4. thanks all for the touching comment..;)
