Friday, March 20, 2015

Hey there..thanks for stopping by..^^

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Alhamdulillah diberi kesempatan utk penulis menulis lagi dkt blog walaupun da bertahun2 dia tetap setia..

there is soo many things lately that i think are worthy to write and and some few raised bila dok depan laptop..semua idea2 bagai tu hilang..
idea2 ni dtg selalu time kita tgh jalan, otw ke kelas or balik kelas..dalam x sempat nk tulis kt memana...jadi bila da depan laptop *puuff* like magic it never happen..
haha...naaahh~ ada je. i know its there somewhere inside my brain but not organize lah..
itu lah masalahnya...idea keep pouring but bila its time to make it into action there's always something yg menghalang..

before i forget..Happy New Year peeps..its already 2015! can you believe it..
alhamdulillah Allah still gave me the chance to live and redeem my self...
i hope that i change for the better...

2.balik kampung
3.pergi kelas tp kelas hbis awal..kenapa semua org complain?

i better jog down here first..nanti kan blogpost seterusnya..
doakan penulis rajin untuk meng'update' dgn lebih istiqamah..

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thank you!

it's something like this that's making me moves forward..
Lets dream BIG together!

Monday, December 9, 2013



the thing i really wanna do is write something, tell someone about how i feel..
but i dont want them to know anything. what i feel, what i think...haha..
so pelik..kbai.
till next time if i think i want to pour something out.....
my brain is slowly dysfunction-ing on me..


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

No post is Dead.

Assalamualaikum wbt,
Alhamdulillah Allah still giving me the chance to go back to him as i am still living now..
There are so many stuff i want to talk about, its just that i can't. not here..
as much as i want to tell someone about this but i just can't..

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another day goes by as we get 1 day older..

laman sesawang..kenapa la website bila translate ke bahasa ibunda jd laman sesawang..skrng baru la tahu..sbb org macam i ni yg da lame tak hapdet blog dia, byk la sesawang timbul..macam laman rumah, ini laman blog sy....yg da penuh dgn sesawang..jadilah laman sesawang......ngeee~mengarut lebih.dan tak masok akal pon.da la tatabahasa terabut..isk3..

ok sungguh kelakar bila baca balik post2 lama..sungguh....
rindu berblogging tapi...idea yg tak muncul2...rasa mcm ada aphasia..

updating about my year in september i'm going to be a 6 year student so there you go...

"Berangkatlah kamu baik dalam keadaan merasa ringan maupun berat, dan berjihadlah kamu dengan harta dan dirimu di jalan Allah. Yang demikian itu adalah lebih baik bagimu, jika kamu mengetahui." 9:41

this verse has been my motivation recently, so much stuff to do, soo many deadlines to meet, sooooo many things to study..24/7 feels not enough...

jihad...jihad tu ape?ramai kan selalu salah faham pasal jihad...doesn't mean jihad tu kena pergi perang..ikot keadaan semasa i am now..a student..i don't need to know how to use a gun, yeah coz i suck at CS(haha sape tak tahu dia loser), back to the point..student kerja dia belajar, study.
maksd jihad itu sendiri klo translate kan dia. bermaksd "bersungguh2"
bila buat something tu bersungguh2..i've once heard this saying..
manusia ni memang bersungguh2 tp, depend la dia nk bt benda yg sia2 bersungguh2 or yg bermanfaat...

selalu la jugak dgr mujaahidun li nafsihi( bermujahadah melawan nafsu)
sebagai seorang peljar kadang2 tu rasa maaaalaaas sgt nak buka buku tp rajin plak buka "muka buku"..
walaupun rasa berat nk buat, rasa lagi best baca timeline org, stalk org lagi2 time tgh ada exam kn...tu time paling best la nk procrastinate tak tahu la kenapa...paling susah nk buat, tp kena buat jugak..tu la dinamakan bersungguh2 nk lawan nafsu...

dats all folks..rasa malu nk sape la yg bace kn?? :P
semoga kalian bermanfaat, segala yg baik tu dari Allah dan segala kekurangna itu dr sy sendiri..klo ad yg salah tlg betolkn..anaknda baru belajaq..

Jazakallahu khair for visiting my blog..
(kitak tukar background kucing pula)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh! My motivation.

one moment i have it, then the next i've lost it...

really2 need one right now, so that i can start preparing for the next cycle...
i need the switch have been hidden somewhere since i came back from malaysia..
and bak kate moon..i'm becoming a hikikomori..errkk..
terpengaruh dgn cite yg ak tgk baru2 nih..
> Welcome to NHK..cite pasal ada budak ni nk cure sorg university student yg dah jadi hikikomori for 3 years..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

8 is not my number

salam ramadhan, salam 1 malaysia..huhaa~
this will be a random and unorganized here goes. 8 facts

1 i feel disappointed dgn myself, sbb mula masok bulan ramadhan bukan main semangat..tgh2 very2 low then hopefully dpat pecut for the last days in ramadhan..doa kn saya rakan2..
misi sy thun nk nk habis kn baca al-quran ramadhan ni...insyaAllah...ganbatte me!!

2 RSSR thun ni sy terlepas..da la buat kt resort tepi pantai..cantikk..jeles sgt tgk senior2 post picture..
tp kita hanya merancang Allah yg tentukn...tape year insyaAllah dapat pergi..

3 tp sy dapat balik kampung yg da lame tak pergi...da lain da..tmbah sane sini...tok pon mcm sihat je lagi..alhamdulillah...

4 semangat nk ice cream free, first time semangt tgk olympics...oh yeah~

5 sy kemas bilik for the first time...tahniah diri.

6 plan nk buat kuih still x buat lagi.

7 practical di hospital pakar best tp xleh sentuh patient, sy jeles tgk kwn2 yg buat kt GH..hope next year dapat buat kt gh ..n also dapat semngt baru nk belajar betol2 because reality slap me in the face when i can't even answer a simple question..and i was sooo wondering how the hell am i going to clark patient when my personality is like this???

8 i am a hikikomori, sy suka berkurung dlm rumah.